Pet Animal Healing
Have you ever realized our favorite pet our fur baby Dog / Cat sometimes suffers in silence and pain, his or her eyes speak a thousand words and we as humans cannot understand what they want to communicate to us.

Few questions often arise in our mind
- Oh ! what’s wrong with my Fur baby?
- Why is my Fur baby suffering?
- Why is my Fur baby in pain?
- What can I do to help my Fur baby suffer less?
- What can I do to help my Fur baby heal faster?
So we rush our fur baby to a Veterinarian who definitely does a good job and helps us heal our Fur Baby (Medically).
- But what is the reason of Suffering of my Fur Baby?
- Is it Physical suffering?
- Is it Emotional suffering?
- Is it Spiritual suffering?
- Is my Fur Baby taking on my problems on him or her?
- Is my Fur Baby protecting me against any dark, negative, Voodoo, Black Magic Energies?
So, what is it exactly? We are sure you would want to know the reason of ill health / suffering of your FUR BABY
Well, now you don’t have to worry for the First time AngelshealU has brought following pet healing online services for the well being of your fur baby. We at Angelshealu are also Pet Lovers as we have two FUR BABIES One Black and One Golden Labrador, who are happy, naughty and healthy. We regularly heal their chakras, we do regular Angel Card Reading, Pet healing Prayer, for them and we also Communicate with them Telepathically to understand how they are what they want and what they want to communicate. We love them from the core of our heart and care for their well being. Now, we would like to extend the same services for your Fur babies be it DOG Healing or CAT Healing, we are providing Pet Healing Prayer and Pet Healing online at the comfort of your home.
Benefits of Reiki in Dog Healing & Cat Healing
Promotes Deep Relaxation in stressful situations – for example visiting a vet, travelling in a car or introducing an animal to a new environment or stranger
- Reduces Stress and Anxiety, including Separation anxiety,FOMO(fear of missing out)
- Reiki can be sent online when you are away from your pet or when you are away on a holiday
- Reiki Can support and accelerate healing following surgery, illness or injury
- Reiki Can help with behavioural or emotional problem following trauma, abuse or neglect
- Reiki can help a grieving animal if their owners have passed away
- Naturally reduce side effects / boost positive effects of traditional medicine
- Reiki Can provide support for pregnant animals, animal with disabilities or older animals with terminal illness.
- Reiki can help dying pets cross over to white light and also support their owners who are grieving
- Reiki can be sent distantly to animals in distress -for example to animals affected by poaching, deforestation, pollution, hunting, oil spills, natural disaster and other human activities.
Pet Healing Online Services for your Fur babies be it a DOG or a CAT
1. Angel Card Reading for Fur babies
2. Pet Healing Prayer
3. Telepathic Communication
4. Online Reiki Healing of Chakras for Fur babies
1. Online Angel Card Reading (45 minutes) Rs 2500/-per session per Fur Baby.
In the Online Angel Card reading session we at AHU will Pull the Past, Present, Future Cards we will also share the Current Issue your Fur Baby is facing, Message from Universe for your Fur baby and the Resolution to the issues.
Further you can ask any 10 questions for your fur baby. This session would be done on what’s app Video Call and your Fur baby can be part of the Online session.
During this session we shall also guide you what course of action you need to take
We shall also do the Online Analysis of Chakras for Fur babies and give you guidance and feedback of challenges and issues
2. Telepathic Communication with your Fur baby (By Appointment Rs 2500/-per session per communication)
During this session we will Telepathically connect with your Fur Baby and ask him / her about his /her issues and you will get answers to 5 questions you shall ask us to check with your Fur Baby.
We shall require clear and most recent/ latest photograph of your Fur Baby. (Name of the Pet, Name of Parent , Date of Birth/Age, Date of arrival in your home/life, Address/Location )
We shall give you an appointment and will inform you when and at what time we will connect with your Fur baby, post that we shall let you know the messages your fur baby has communicated to us for you based on the 5 questions you have asked ?
Communicate with missing pet
As a practice we shall not answer certain questions like:
- Who is your favourite parent or family member?
- When will you die?
- What is your life span? etc
Online Reiki Healing of Chakras for Fur babies. [30 minutes session Rs 2500/- per session per pet]
- During this session we will start working on your Fur baby,
- Clear the Negative energies and Aura which your Fur Baby has absorbed
- Clear Each Chakra
- Energize each Chakra
- Seal each chakra with Reiki Energy
Meaning if the aura and chakras will remain dirty, unhealthy, negatively impacted your fur baby will be unhealthy, sad, ill, remain aloof, not eat, vomit, may remain in pain /sad or even run away from home again and again.