Chakra Healing

Our Mind, Body and Soul works on 7 Chakras. When these 7 chakras are balanced and in complete synchronization, we lead a blissful life filled with Peace, Love, Harmony, Compassion, Abundance, Prosperity, Happiness, Joy, Good Health, Strength, Confidence, and all good things and good people. However, if any of these chakras are unbalanced or blocked, we start facing physical, mental, emotional, financial, relationship, and health issues related to these chakras. Each Chakra works efficiently only when other Chakras are fully aligned and energised with positive Chakra healing energies. With the help of Reiki Healing, Angel Healing and Chakra healing Meditation and Chakra Healing near me, will not only heal but will also open your doorways to peace, serenity, Spirituality and mindfulness.
Let’s know more about these chakras
- Root Chakra (Muladhara)– I AM
- Sacral Chakra (Svadisthana)– I FEEL
- Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) – I DO
- Heart Chakra (Anahata) – I LOVE
- Throat Chakra (Vissudha) – I SPEAK
- Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)– I SEE
- Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)– I KNOW
What Is Chakra Healing and Balancing? How Chakra Healing Experts Heal, Cleanse and Balance your Chakras
Do you want to improve your life? Do you desire mental and physical fitness? Who does not! Most people assume that you need pharmaceutical pills to maintain health. We have a better, safer and side-effect free alternative for you. Experienced spiritual healers in India can restore the chakras balance in your body.
Chakras are the spinning wheels of energy centres, which carries a magnificent responsibility to emanate energy to keep our mind and organs functioning at an optimal level.
Chakra Healing and Chakra Meditation helps your body to create harmony within and it releases imbalances created by negative influences. Each Chakra works efficiently only when other Chakras are fully aligned and energised with positive healing energies.
How to Know if Your Chakras are Blocked?
- Feeling stuck in life or feeling sluggish, inflexible.
- Stress due to over-reliance on external circumstances.
- Feeling you are not good enough the way you are.
- Pain and stiffness in your feet and legs.
- Feeling ungrounded, home life feels chaotic and unsettled.
Client Service Review – Chakra Balancing
Some of Our clients ask us to look at their chakras or do a chakra healing. It can be highly useful as things often show up in a chakra review and healing that don’t show up in other ways.
If people want to know what job is right for them, a chakra healing may not be indicated, but if people have deeper life questions or need energy healing for a physical issue, a chakra healing can be very helpful.
Feel free to ask me about getting a chakra review/healing when you contact us at +91-7348-914-808
The 7 Chakra Personality Types:
#First Chakra type:
Root chakra – The Builders (Do You Have a ROOT Chakra Personality?)
#Second Chakra Type:
Sacral chakra – The Artists (Do You Have a Sacral Chakra Personality?)
#Third Chakra Type:
Solar Plexus Chakra – The Achievers (Do You Have a Solar Plexus Chakra Personality?)
#Fourth Chakra Type:
Heart Chakra – The Caretakers(Do You Have a Heart Chakra Personality?)
#Fifth Chakra Type
Throat Chakra Personality Types: The “Speakers”
#Sixth Chakra Type
Third-eye Chakra Personality Types: The “Thinkers”
#Seven Chakra Type
Crown Chakra Personality Types: The “Yogis”
Chakra Healing, Balancing, & Cleansing
During a healing crisis, a great deal of toxins may be pulled out of body tissues and put back into the circulation in order to be eliminated. During this process, some uncomfortable symptoms may occur, such as:
Release of emotions and feelings
General fatigue
Pains and aches, such as headaches, low back pain, joint pain, etc.
Skin discharges, unusual sweating and body odors
Frequent urination, diarrhea or constipation
Temporary cessation of menstruation, or decrease in sexual desire
Mental irritability, restless dreams, etc.
Loose motions
The healing crisis may last from a few hours to a few days; only in rare cases will it last a few weeks. The healthier our general condition, the fewer symptoms there will be. The more the body has to clean up, the stronger and/or the longer will be the discharge reactions.

Chakra Balancing
Angels Heal U is a mix together of healing services, training, spiritual trainer, and expert various cosmic vibrations to go with your body, spirituality, and soul. We suggest a diversity of spiritual workshops healing training, in personal sessions, Reiki online/offline classes, family and relationship problem solutions, meditation techniques sessions, in which an individual be able to carry a positive shift in their life.