Intro To The Chakras
A chakra is an energy center in the human body that receives, processes and transmits information about particular aspects of being and experience. The Sanskrit word “chakra” literally means “wheel,” which is an apt name for these energy portals since they rotate in a circular fashion just like a wheel. It helps to think of the chakras as revolving doors between the human body and the outside world.
Once a human being suffers in life, the Chakras get effected and at times when the suffering prolongs, it leads to serious negative blocks and may also lead to life threatening issues, as the sufferings increases it leads to de-generation of chakras resulting into various medical, physical financial, emotional, etc issues, if not cured on time can prove fatal
As the energy moves upward and downward in a swirling fashion, it makes one full rotation for each chakra so that the front body chakras typically spin clockwise (“masculine”) and the back body chakras typically spin counter-clockwise (“feminine”).
In the most commonly accepted chakra model, the seven main bodily chakras are:
1st Chakra – Tailbone(Root) – Red – “Muladhara”
2nd Chakra – Sacral – Orange – “Svadisthana”
3rd Chakra – Solar Plexus – Yellow – “Manipura”
4th Chakra – Heart – Green – “Anahata”
5th Chakra – Throat – Blue – “Visuddha”
6th Chakra – 3rd Eye – Indigo – “Ajna”
7th Chakra – Crown – Violet – “Sahasrara”

Chakra One: Muladhara (Root)
Location: Tailbone
Color: Red
Element: Earth
Gland: Adrenals (fight or flight response)
Sense: Smell
Seed Sound: Lam
Some Gems: Garnet, tourmaline, Hematite & Red Jasper
Some Essential Oils: Patchouli and Cinnamon
Primary Characteristics: Survival, security, safety, stability, patience, physical sturdiness, ability to meet one’s basic needs and “stand on one’s own”, career and financial success.
Related Ailments: Any issues relating to the feet, knees, tailbone, bones or skin, intestinal and elimination disorders, such as constipation, diarrhea, spastic colon or hemorrhoids.
Angel: URIEL

Chakra Two: Svadisthana (Sacral)
Location: Pelvis
Color: Orange
Element: Water
Quality: Feminine
Gland: Testes/Ovaries (Reproduction)
Sense: Taste
Seed Sound: Vam
Some Gems: Carnelian
Some Essential Oils: Jasmine & Sandalwood
Right: To feel
Primary Characteristics: Sexuality, creativity, reproduction, adaptability, emotional release.
Related Ailments: Low back pain, hip joint problems, abdominal distention, genital diseases, urinary or bladder infections, menstrual problems or reproductive issues, prostate problems.
Angel: Gabriel & Chamuel

Chakra Three: Manipura (Solar Plexus)
Location: Solar Plexus
Color: Yellow
Element: Fire
Quality: Masculine
Gland: Pancreas (assimilation and digestion)
Sense: Sight
Seed Sound: Ram
Some Gems: Tiger’s Eye, Citrine
Some Essential Oils: Jasmine , Sandalwood
Primary Characteristics: S Personal power, confidence and “can do” attitude, mental agility, ability to differentiate, ability to shine one’s own light and to lead effectively.
Related Ailments: Issues with the stomach, liver, pancreas or gall bladder, diabetes or hypoglycemia, digestion issues, chronic fatigue.

Chakra Four: Anahata (Heart)
Location: Heart
Color: Green
Element: Air
Quality: Feminine
Gland: Thymus (immunity)
Sense: Touch
Seed Sound: Yam
Some Gems: Jade, Peridot, Rose Quartz
Some Essential Oils: Rose, Jasmine ,Rose Mary
Primary Characteristics: Love of self and others, compassion, kindness, peace and calm.
Related Ailments: Diseases of the heart or lungs, breathing issues like asthma, allergies or sleep apnea, aches in the chest or upper back, hypertension, pneumonia, circulatory issues or immune system disorders.
Angel: Raphael | Chamuel

Chakra Five: Visuddha (Throat)
Location: Throat
Color: Blue
Element: Sound/Vibration
Quality: Masculine
Gland: Thyroid (and parathyroid)
Sense: Hearing
Seed Sound: Ham
Gems: Turquoise, Lapiz Lazuli
Essential Oils: German Chamomile ,Lemon
Primary Characteristics: Expressing one’s deepest truth and creativity from the soul, integrity in all areas, living one’s dharma and experiencing unlimited abundance.
Related Ailments: Problems with mouth, jaw, neck and shoulders, over or under-active thyroid, laryngitis, swollen glands or tonsils, gum disease.
Angel: Michael

Chakra Six: Ajna (3rd Eye)
Location: Above brows between the eyes
Color: Indigo (deep, purplish blue)
Element: Light
Quality: Feminine
Gland: Pineal (senses light)
Sense: “6th Sense” (Intuition and E.S.P.)
Seed Sound: Om
Gems: Lapis lazuli, sapphire, azurite
Essential Oils: Lavender, Rose Mary
Primary Characteristics: Wisdom, imagination, vision, deep discernment, perception that transcends duality, creating equanimity and peace.
Related Ailments: Reoccurring headaches or migraines, eye problems, sleeping disorders, neurological disorders, strokes or depression.
Angel: Raziel

Chakra Seven: Sahasrara (Crown)
Location: Just above the crown of the head
Color: Violet to White
Element: Space/Energy
Quality: Non-Dual/Unified
Gland: Pituitary (master regulatory gland)
Sense: Beyond senses – pure connection with the Divine
Seed Sound: Silence
Gems: Diamond, Clear quartz, amethyst
Essential Oils: Jasmine , Sandalwood , Rose Mary
Primary Characteristics: Total experiential connection to the Universal Life Force, grace, beauty and bliss.
Related Ailments: Mind ailments – both physical and mental, nervous system disorders, pituitary problems.
Angel: Zadikel