Get Rid of Fear
Holistic Energy Healing is very effective in addressing and resolving known and unknown fears by identifying on the fear response and associated emotions. Master Healer Dr (Hon) Amit and Jasmeet work towards focusing on the specific fear, whether it’s related to insects, animals, claustrophobia, or other triggers and provide a structured approach to address fear.
Get Rid of Fear of Performance
Energy Healing is a highly effective tools in helping to release and overcome fears. By identifying, involves stimulating specific meridian points on the body while focusing on the fear or issue at hand. Master Healer Dr (Hon) Amit and Jasmeet work on your fears by combining EFT, angel healing, and other healing modalities to invite the supportive energy of angels to assist you in releasing the fear of performance. They work with respective angels (such as Archangel Gabriel) and ask for their guidance and healing. While identifying, they repeat affirmations or statements that address your fear of performance and allow the energy to shift and release any emotional or energetic blockages associated with it.
Getting Rid of Fear of Losing Loved Ones
The fear of losing loved ones can be emotionally challenging. Combining HOLISTIC HEALING & EFT and Angel Reiki healing can help address and release this fear. Master Healer Dr (Hon) Amit and Jasmeet use HOLISTIC HEALING & EFT identifying to target specific aspects of the fear, such as the fear of separation or the fear of loss. They work on these fears by identifying the appropriate meridian points by addressing your emotions, so that you can gradually release the fear and its associated energy. Reiki healing can then be applied by a practitioner or self-administered to bring about relaxation, emotional balance, and a sense of connection. Reiki energy works to promote healing on physical, emotional, and energetic levels.Get Rid of Fear of Death
Healing is a powerful tool to get ride of fear of death while acknowledging and releasing the associated emotions and beliefs. Healing can help you to focus on specific aspects of the fear, such as the fear of the unknown or the fear of loss, and tap on the corresponding meridian points. Consider working with a qualified HOLISTIC HEALING & EFT practitioners Master Healer Dr (Hon) Amit and Jasmeet at Angels Heal U who can guide you through the process and provide personalized support.Resolving Verbal Abuse Traumas
Energy Healing can aid in releasing the emotional wounds and negative beliefs resulting from verbal abuse. Master Healer Dr (Hon) Amit and Jasmeet use various healing modalities for addressing specific memories, words, or phrases associated with the abuse and reframe the negative impact of verbal abuse.