Dog Healing

Dog Healing

Healing and Balancing your (FUR BABIES) Dog’s Chakras


Enhance your (Fur Baby) dog’s well-being with this subtle but effective healing modality.

Dog chakras system plays a key role in the overall health, positivity ,happiness and well-being of your fur baby(dog). Working with and balancing his/her chakras will bring positive change to his/her state of wellness, physically, spiritually, mentally ,emotionally make them live longer and have a healthy life span.

What is a Chakra?

Chakras are an integral part of a dog’s energy field. These are spinning energy portals ,energy chakras situated in various locations throughout the body, and are path waves for the successful assimilation of vital life force energy for overall wellbeing of the Dog .

As a healer, we start working on the Life force energy filters in through a dog’s chakras, the energy then travels, by means of meridians (another component of the body’s energy field) into the endocrine system as well as it funnels out from there to reach every cell and fibre of dog’s well-being.

Dog’s have Nine Major Chakras

All Humans have seven major chakras, but our dogs companions have nine (see chart below). Among the dogs is the Sensing Chakra, which enables your dog to see, hear, sense and smell much better than we humans can do.

Other is the Brachial Chakra, which is a major player in the human/animal bond and a most important and main energy centre which links directly to all other chakras; often it’s used as a gateway to the dog’s entire chakra system.

Please note that its worthwhile that there are also 13 minor chakras and they are sub-chakras of the nine detailed in the chart below , which are frequently called upon in more detailed chakra healing and balancing sessions.

Balancing the Chakras

You can bring your dog’s chakras into balance, one by one, by simply using a strong intention to do so, while holding your hand over each chakra or on the picture while doing online healing which is as effective you are intending to clear , cleanse and balance the Aura and chakras.

“We send powerful divine light, combined with the Angel of Protection sword and shielding to [dog’s name] main chakra and ask that it clear the negativity ,remove any curse , vows , contracts or the negative energy which you DOG/CAT may have absorbed to come into perfect balance, spinning in an appropriate fashion, with any imbalances, blockages or non-beneficial energies being released to the spiritual. And so it is.”

Dog Chakra Overview – Your Dog’s Energy Centers

Dogs do have chakras, of course. All living creatures; dogs, cats, people, dolphins and unicorns have chakras. A few years ago, the concept of dogs having chakras seemed “out there.” Thankfully, in the last few years there has been a more holistic approach to health for our dogs.

General Chakra Overview

Chakra is an ancient word that means wheel in Sanskrit. There are seven Chakras roughly along the center of the body that govern our responses to the energy around us. The three chakras found in the lower part of the body (root, sacral and solar plexus) govern our basic survival needs. The four chakras in the upper body (heart, throat, third eye and crown) govern our mental processes.

Note! No one chakra is better or higher or lower than another. We humans, with our healthy egos, may tend to focus on a chakra we feel is more “spiritual.”

But without a solid root chakra the most enlightened being on earth will struggle to stay grounded. Conversely, if someone is too grounded, they will be unable to allow their imagination to soar. Balance, balance, balance.

Chakras are like a car’s various systems. A car that is firing on all the pistons (or whatever that analogy is) and the car will run smoothly. If the vehicle has worn out brakes, a crappy carburettor or dirty oil, the car will run roughly, raggedly, and inefficiently. When our chakra energetic systems are open, balanced and in correct alignment, all is good. We feel good in our own skin, our emotions are level and life is good.

Conversely, when one or more of our chakra systems is out of balance we feel it throughout our entire system. We can literally feel off-balance! Some chakras are under-active (not open enough) and the other chakras have to take up the slack and work extra to make up for the slacker chakra. Over-active chakras pull energy from the other chakras and can cause a continued off balanced state.

Ponder this! Our dogs are tuned into us on many levels. emotionally, intuitively and physically. If our chakras are out of balance that imbalance can affect our dogs energy system. Just as a nervous owner’s fear and stress will travel right down the dog’s lead at the dog park or obedience class, so can our chakras affect their chakras. Our out of whack chakras can exaggerate or possibly cause their issues! Calm pet owners help make for relaxed pets.

To allow your or your dog’s chakras to be in balance, remember that you must work on all of them in tandem. It does no good to only work on the root chakra, for example, as the others that are out of alignment will have to work just as hard to keep things working. Of course, we strive for balanced, harmonious chakras not just for us, but for our dogs and other loved ones – human and animal. Balance within all of our energy systems is what makes it work !

The Dog Chakra System • Seven Main Chakras

Dog Healing

There are seven universally agreed upon chakras (or as universal as anything can be). Plus, our dogs have additional chakras that are probably as important to them as the main chakras. Their Nose Chakra, Ear Chakra, Paw Chakra and Tail Chakra are all covered below. For example, their nose chakra is probably as important, or more, as their Throat Chakra.

Root Chakra

Color: Red

Crystal To Use: Carnelian, red jasper, garnet, ruby (for energy) and hematite (for grounding)

Energy Flow: Feeling at home, comfortable in your own skin, grounded

There should be general trust of people and have a confident demeanor. Their territorial needs are appropriate. If the Root Chakra is balanced, open and in sync, your dog should feel safe, secure and grounded. The Root Chakra may be under active if your dog is often fearful or nervous. They may seem unsure and change may upset them with An over-active Root Chakra may create a greedy dog, one who guards their toys, food bowl or crate area.

Sacral Chakra

Color: Orange

Crystal to be Used: Citrine, carnelian, tiger’s eye, clear quartz

Energy Flow: Emotions, feelings and sexuality

They are open to affection and loving. With an open and balanced Sacral Chakra your dog’s feelings are expressed appropriately, without being frantic or too intense . An under active Sacral Chakra leads to a stiff dog, lacking in emotion or warmth. On over-active Sacral Chakra can present as an overly emotional, hyper dog. They may be needy, emotionally attached to people and separation anxiety may be an issue.

Solar Plexus Chakra

Color: Yellow

Crystal to use: Citrine, yellow topaz, yellow amber or clear quartz.

Energy Flow: Appropriate dynamic within a pack or group of dogs

Heart Chakra

Color: Greenfor Healing or Rose Pink for Love

Crystal to use: Malachite, rose quartz, watermelon tourmaline, rhodochrosite or clear quartz

Energy Flow: Love, kindness and affection

An open, balanced, aligned Heart Chakra will allow your dog to be loving and friendly, a pleasure to live with. We personally do not feel there are over-active Heart Chakras in dogs.An under-active Heart chakra may cause your dog to be fearful, cold and keep you at a distance emotionally.

Throat Chakra

Color: Clear Blue

Crystal to use: urquoise, lapis lazuli, azurite, aquamarine, clear quartz

Energy Flow: Self-expression and being heard

An open, aligned Throat Chakra allows your dog to expressing herself and make her needs known. An over-active Throat Chakra in your dogs leads to barking needlessly, and manipulation. An under-active Throat Chakra makes for a timid, shy, even introverted dog.

Third Eye Chakra

Color: Indigo

Crystal to use: Tourmaline, sodalite, azurite and clear quartz

Energy Flow: insight, self-knowledge and visualization

An open and balanced Third Eye chakra makes for a dog who lives easily in the world of dogs and people. An under-active, Third Eye will inhibit your dog’s ability to think on her own. Your dog may tend to rely on you too much and be easily confused. An over-active Third Eye and your dog may live in a world of fantasy and only want to play, play, play.

Crown Chakra

Color: Violet or White

Crystal to use: Amethyst, moonstone, sugilite, sodialite, fluorite, clear quartz

Energy Flow: Ability to access universal “Dog wisdom” and being comfortable in the world

An open, actualized Crown Chakra allows your dog to be aware of the world and her place in it. An under-active Crown Chakra makes for a dog who never quite fits in. The dog that no one will play with at the dog park. An over-active Crown Chakra creates a worry wort dog who works themselves up over nothing.

Secondary Dog Chakra Systems

Dogs have additional chakras in the areas of their body that bring them information.

Nose Chakra

Color: Aqua

Crystal to use: Prehnite

Energy Flow: Assimilation of information center, enhances inner knowledge

On open, healthy Nose Chakra allows your dog to receive the information via their olfactory glands. This allows them to bring smells into their 125,000,000–300,000,000 scent glands and process identifying scents and more. A closed or under-active Nose Chakra, which may present as a dry, crusty, cracked nose, will cause stress and frustration to your dog due to their not being able to access their #1 method of info gathering.

Ear Chakra

Crystal to use: Azurite or Malachite

Energy Flow: Connection and communication

Balanced, open Ear Chakras allow your dog to pick up on sounds in all the ranges their acute hearing. They can hear a higher range of sounds than we do (think dog whistle). Open, clear Ear Chakras enable dogs to hear this full range. Closed, blocked Ear Chakras; whether due to stress, an assault of high pitched noises or the side effects of ear infections can cause your dog to be agitated, anxious or depressed. FYI: Dogs hear at a frequency range of 67 – 45,000 Hz (varies with breeds), compared to our range of 64 – 23,000 Hz. Dogs with pricked, open ears can hear better than dogs with pendulous, hanging ears.

Paw Chakra

Color: Deep Magenta

Crystal to use: Petrified Wood

Energy Flow: Connection to nature and the earth, feeling grounded

When they are open and clear, the Paw Chakras ensure a constant, connected flow of communication and harmony with the energy grids of the Earth. The Paw Chakras also allow our dogs to discharge or send energy back into the Earth. Think of your dog kicking dirt with his feet to send his scent out to the world. He is also dispersing spent energy that is no longer needed. The Paw Chakras work with the Root and Tail Chakras when these Chakras are open and clear.

Tail Chakra (Different from Root Chakra)

Color: Deep Red

Crystal to use: Cinnabar

Energy Flow: Aligns and clears blocks (wagging of tails) and connects the Root and Higher Chakras

The Tail Chakra in dogs acts as an extension of the Root Chakra in many ways. It provides additional grounding and a feeling of security. It also connects to the Throat Chakra to provide more open communication channels. Dogs share a lot of information via their tails. What about dogs who don’t have tails you may ask? They wiggle that entire area (yep, wiggle butts). In my opinion, the lack of a tail does put dogs at a disadvantage. Other dogs cannot read signals from them as easily and may misinterpret their motives. Have you seen a dog walking toward another dog with that high, stiff wagging tail…pulled up really tall? That is an “I am friendly, but if you act snarky, I will fight you.”

Dog Healing


(You must take you Pet to Veterinarian for Medical Treatment as and when required , healing only will not be an alternative to Medical Treatment .It can guide, help & heal in times of need).